Game Instructions


Spoons Con Cucharas

(recommended for players 7 years and up)

This games is best for three to five players, sitting in a circle. If you have access to some spoons, put them in the middle of the circle. You’ll need one fewer than the amount of players; they will grab the spoons from the middle once someone has matched four cards. If no spoons are available, players could clap to signal a win.

After shuffling the deck, deal four cards to each player. Everyone should ALWAYS have four cards, no more and no less! The remaining cards will be stacked up next to the dealer.

The goal is to match a set of four cards: a picture card, its Spanish description, its English translation, and a card that includes the same picture and both languages.

The dealer starts by picking up a card from the deck and deciding whether to pass this card (or another from their hand) to the next player.

The next player does the same with this new card, passing one to the next player.

All players continue doing this as quickly as they can, until one player has matched all four cards in their hand… That player grabs a spoon from the middle (or claps if playing without spoons)!

Once someone has grabbed a spoon, the others must quickly grab a spoon too. The player who was not quick enough loses the round!

Half + Medio

(recommended for players 3 years and older)

This “concentration” style memory game features either funny fruits or fun veggies… and is sure to be packed with lots of laughs and smiles! To play, shuffle the deck and turn all the cards face-down. Then pick up two cards at a time, reading the phrases on the cards out loud. You will have to match the most Spanish phrases with their English translations to win!



Go, Pez!

(recommended for players 7 years and up)

This Go-Fish style game is best played with two to five players and the goal is to get as many matching pairs of cards as possible. First, shuffle the deck, deal five cards to each person, and place the deck in the middle of the players. Take turns asking each other for a matching card by reading the question written at the top of your card. If the player you asked has the card with the same question written at the top, they can read the phrase written at the bottom of their card and then hand it over to the player who asked for it.

If the player does not have the matching card, they will say, “No.” The player who asked for it would then pick up a new card from the deck. Then it is the next player’s turn to ask for a card.

If a player runs out of cards in their hand, they should pick up give new cards from the deck. The game continues until all cards have been paired up. At this point, each player must count the number of matching pairs that they have made. The player with the most cards wins!